Wednesday 12 August 2015

Soft Coeur Massage Bar

Out of all the products sold by Lush, the massage bar is probably my favourite. Whenever I go to a store or place a Lush order online, I tend to always add a massage bar into my basket. Usually I go for a Wiccy Magic Muscle bar, but after reading other people's reviews of Soft Coeur massage bar, I decided to try it out as the scent sounded like something I would really enjoy.

Massage bars are a block of solidified oils and butters, designed for body massage or alternatively for use as a heavy-duty moisturiser- which is what I use them for. They're much more portable than a bottle of massage oil, but you have to be careful keeping them in warm places, as they do have a tendency to melt easily. To use them, all you have to do is swipe the bar a few times over warm skin, then rub the melted oils in.

Soft Coeur is a little different from the other massage bars Lush offer, as it's presented as a small heart shape, and has a centre of honey and cocoa powder, which is also designed to melt on your skin. I'm not sure whether Lush released this as part of a Valentines day range and decided to keep it as part of the permanent range, but as it's also known as The Honeymooner massage bar, its obvious that this bar has been designed for couples.

The scent of Soft Coeur is a rich, honey-toffee one, very similar to the popular Honey, I washed the kids soap. But the slightly bitter-sweet cocoa powder core of the bar slightly tones down the sweet and sickly scent of the bar and helps to add a chocolatey undertone. I quite like the scent, it's definitely one for fans of foodie and sweet smells. It's quite strong and I also find it lasts a long time on the skin, so I think if you wanted to use it as a scent, you could apply a bit of the bar to your wrists as an alternative to a solid perfume.

When you are applying Soft Coeur, although it's not the most easily-melting massage bar from Lush that I have used, it does leave a fair amount of oil on your skin that is massaged in easily. I found that the first 3 or 4 uses of the bar were chocolate-core free, then after that the centre also began to melt, leaving streaks that could also be rubbed in with a bit more effort. I've heard a lot of complaints from people about the streaks from cocoa centre, however I didn't find it was too bad and it wouldn't stop me from enjoying the bar.

I found that although the bar didn't release oils as easily as the others, it didn't last as many uses and was halved in size by the 6th use. It is one of Lush's cheaper and smaller bars, but if I bought it again it would probably be reserved for the occasional use rather than a regular used product, as it proves quite an expensive alternative to a moisturiser.

For me, this wasn't the most hydrating of Lush's massage bars, but I did enjoy it. I have other favourites that I would generally pick over Soft Coeur massage bar, but I am glad I've tried it out and would probably buy it again if I was in the mood for a very sweet smelling massage bar.


Friday 7 August 2015

Skinny Dip Buttercream

I had been waiting to try a Lush Buttercream since I had first read a review on their limited-edition Heavenly Bodies Buttercream. After having a look on Ebay, and realising how much Lush's limited edition products tend to sell for, I opted to wait until a Buttercream popped up onto the Lush Kitchen menu, so I could try out a fresh one for a more reasonable price.

Around a year ago, Lush Cosmetics decided to start up the Lush Kitchen to replace the 'retro' section of their old website. The Lush Kitchen is a project run by Lush to unearth long-ago products, and make fresh, limited-edition batches of them to offer customers who may not have shopped at Lush long enough to remember their old, discontinued products.

Personally, I think there is good and bad points to the Lush kitchen, but overall it is a nice way to have a chance to try something out that you may not have been able to buy before. The products are also at their peak of freshness- which is the best condition to use them in.

The problem that is caused by releasing limited amounts of products, is that there often isn't enough for everyone to buy-leading to lots of disappointed customers. As well as this, customers who do manage to buy something such as a limited-edition shampoo, might want to use it as part of their regular routine- which they can't do unless the Lush Kitchen decide to bring it back.

It is generally a total lottery what Lush decide to stock in the Kitchen range, so it is worth checking back every week when the new menu of products is put out.

Skinny Dip buttercream is a soft body soap that has been designed particularly for dry skin, as it's very hydrating and packed with tons of oils and butters to nourish and repair your skin while gently cleansing it. As the name suggests, this soap has a creamy and thick texture, which does replicate the popular cake frosting. Reading back on the history of this soap, it used to be sold in solid bar form, but Lush have changed the formula since then, and now the softer version is sold in 240g tubs.

The scent of Skinny Dip is not one I would usually go for, and if I had smelled it in the shop, I probably would have put it back on the shelf. It's packed with cloves, violet and vetivert oil, and these combined result in a very earthy, musky,  almost savoury fragrance. It's not too strong in the tub, but once used under the stream of water it becomes heady and possibly overwhelming for those who aren't fond of the scent. Personally, I didnt particularly like it, but I think fans of products such as Tramp shower gel might like this. It's also quite a manly scent, so I think it might be more popular among guys.

To use Lush's buttercreams, simply scoop a tablespoon-sized amount out and use it as you would a shower gel. Due to buttercream soap being packed with so many oils, it won't lather up like regular soap or shower gel. Some people might be ok with this, but I didn't feel completely clean using it by itself, so I topped up with some of Lush's Happy Hippy shower gel afterwards. However, after using this, I still found the strong clove smell of Skinny Dip lingered on my skin for a while. If you are a fan of the smell of Skinny Dip Buttercream, the longevity of the scent could be seen as a positive, but as I didn't like it, it was personally a negative for me.

Saying this, my skin did feel softer, though not as baby-soft had I just used my regular shower gel and topped my skin with a massage bar afterwards, which is what I do regularly. I feel that the buttercream would be a good option if you are pressed for time and is an ideal in-shower body moisturiser. But if you do have the time, using a proper lotion or massage bar afterwards is what I would prefer to do.

Although I personally wouldn't buy this variety of Lush Buttercream again, I am still eager to try their Heavenly bodies version, and am keeping my eyes peeled in the kitchen for them to make a reappearance. For those who enjoy earthy and woody scents, I would recommend Skinny dip buttercream, but for me, I won't be trying it again.


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Sultana of Soap

I have been meaning to try this Lush soap for a while, but due to the fact it's one of the more boring-looking varieties on offer, I have often pushed it to the bottom of my 'to-buy' list in favour of shower gels or bubble bars. But last week, I decided to buy an 100g slab of Sultana of Soap to test out and see what I thought.

Sultana of Soap is presented as a white slab topped and laced with berries and sultanas, which make the slab of soap almost look like a bar of nougat. These are used as a decoration but also act as a mild exfoliator. Although this soap is plainer than some of Lush's other offerings, it has a really fresh and mild scent, with the slight sour note of the berries lingering in the background. This, for me, is a scent I would associate with the spring and summer months, as it's light enough and not cloying in the slightest. It's not the type of scent I would usually go for, but makes an interesting change from the gourmand scents I like best.

The texture of Sultana of Soap is a really creamy, moisturising one. It's so soft and squidgy that when you press down on the bar lightly, you leave a dent. When I washed with it, it didn't create a thick lather, but instead a light cream that felt nourishing as well as gently cleansing on my skin. The fruits studding the top of the bar of soap exfoliated gently, but they soon began to fall off and fishing them out the water so that they wouldn't clog the drain was slightly annoying. But once I had rinsed the soap off, my skin felt fresh and clean, and I noticed the scent lingered for a while afterwards which was pleasant.

Due to this soap being a rich and creamy variety, Sultana of Soap does tend to melt and dissolve easily when left around water, so the best thing to do is to pat it dry after every use, and cut your bar into thirds or quarters so you aren't using the whole piece under running water at once.

Overall, although this soap isn't perfect and isn't one of my absolute favourites scent-wise, it did make a nice change from my regular soaps and is one I will turn to if I need something soothing and moisturising for particularly dry skin- in fact, I would go as far to say it's the most moisturising soap from Lush I have ever tried. Recommended.


Monday 3 August 2015

Twilight Bath Bomb

When I visit Lush, I usually tend to lean towards buying their bubble bars, soaps or skincare products. I rarely pick up a bath bomb- in fact, I think the last time I bought one for myself was in the Christmas 2014 sale. But when I visited earlier this week I decided to try one that I hadn't used since 2012- Twilight bath ballistic.
Twilight is a pretty, lavender-scented bath bomb that is relaxing and ideal for bedtime, or anytime you want to wind down, really. It's not your typical floral lavender scent- it's more creamy and sweet, and has been described as being a malty, softer alternative. It's quite a girly scent, and I would imagine it being popular with all age groups,

The design of this Twilight is again, quite girly- being a large pale pink sphere with moon and star shapes moulded into the top. The design also encourages you to think that this is a ideal bath bomb for night time use, when you are trying to relax. It's one of Lush's biggest bath bombs, and I've seen people split it into half so they get more than one use, but for the purposes of the review I decided to use the whole bath bomb at once.

To use a bath bomb, just run your bath, and when it's ready, get in and drop your chosen bath ballistic in- then watch it fizz and release colours and nourishing essential oils. 

When you drop Twilight into the bath, it is quite a slow fizzer, first releasing a dusky pink foam to reveal the pale blue inner core of the bath bomb. When the blue fizzes, it releases a blue foam, which mixes with the pink to create a pretty bath mix of blue, pink and soft purple. There is also a little bit of glitter in this bath bomb, but it's not the sort to stick to your skin or the bath. As well as this, little nibs of what I assume is shea butter are released into the water, which helps it feel soft, though not as silky as I was hoping.

 Lush say that the colours of the bath are meant to remind you of the sky becoming darker, and that this will help you to feel soothed and relaxed. The bath from Twilight will not be as brightly coloured as results from some other bath bombs available, and doesn't contain tons of added extras such as paper (dragons egg bath bomb, sex bomb bath bomb) or seaweed (Big blue bath bomb), but for me this is ideal, as I am not keen on the products which leave the bath in a mess afterwards.

Afterwards, although the water had felt reasonably soft, I still had dry skin and had to top up with moisturiser from a massage bar.

Overall, for £3.35, although this bath bomb left me feeling relaxed and I enjoyed it, it's not up there with my favourites so it wouldn't be a regular purchase for me. However, I would recommend it to anyone who is stressed and wants to chill out, as it does work well for that and is a real classic from Lush that is popular among lots of people. A reasonable bath bomb from Lush.
