Tuesday 28 April 2015

LUSH Each Peach (and two's a pair) massage bar

After recently scouring ebay last weekend, I came across this massage bar for a fairly low price and decided to buy it, as it's just one in a long list of Lush products that I have been meaning to try out.

Massage bars are possibly my favourite thing Lush have to offer, and I have amounted a large stash of them over the years. They keep surprisingly well, so are ideal thing to hoard if you enjoy collecting limited edition ones. Although buying off ebay is sometimes a risk, this massage bar seemed in great condition when I receieved it in the post- however, I might buy another fresh one from the store just to compare them!

Each peach and two's a pair (named after the popular children's book, Each Peach Pear Plum) is a massage bar that is part of Lush's year-round regular range. It is a fruity. citrus offering that is designed to be invigorating and refreshing. I think this bar is a particularly good one to use on mornings, when you are feeling a little sluggish- it perks you up and helps you feel a little more awake. It's moulded with a pretty floral pattern on the top that helps it look that bit more special.

The scent of Each Peach is quite strong and heavy on the citrus, but in a very natural way. To me, it smells of orange and lemon with a dash of lime. No added sugar or musk- just the fresh fruit on it's own. This might seem a little plain, but it really works- it's an exotic, summery treat that can be used year-round. I also feel that the scent of this bar is very unisex, and would also be appreciated by any age customers.

To use a massage bar, you can either use it as it was intended, by melting the bar inbetween your hands and applying the oil to massage yourself or someone else. Or, as I do, you can use it as a rich body moisturiser. To do this, either melt the bar and apply the oil with your hands, or rub the bar straight on your skin. Massage bars take a little longer to soak into your skin than regular lotion does, so don't do it straight before you go out.

Each Peach and Two's a pair costs £5.95 from Lush, which is mid-priced in their range of massage bars. Massage bars last for about 10 full body uses, so it is a little bit of expensive alternative to pots and tubes of lotion. However, it is really nourishing for your skin and is ideal as an occasional treat as it is packed full of natural fruit oils and butters.

For me, Each Peach was an amazing texture;it wasn't overly oily or melty.. Some of Lush's massage bars are way too squishy and produce too much oil on one go, but this bar gave you enough without there being loads of wastage. That said, it is very easy to apply and doesn't drag across the skin at all. The oil also soaks into your skin and is absorbed lots quicker than other massage bars I have tried, which is ideal for those who don't want to wait ages.

Overall, I am glad I got the chance to buy this. I will definately repurchase it as it is a great, summery smell and absorbs quicker than lots of other massage bars I have tried from Lush. I am also interested to see how a fresh one compares to the first one I bought from ebay. I would definately recommend this as an introduction into massage bars for anyone who wants to try them- you won't be disappointed.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Bath Cocktail- Tender Violets

This bath cocktail showcases Jasmine as it's prominent scent. It is a strong, musky floral offering, which moisturises your skin, whilst providing you with tons of bubbles and beautifully coloured water.

With a recent Lush order, I received a large sample piece of 'Tender is the night' massage bar. I have so many massage bars that need used up, that I decided to use it as a bath melt. Massage bars are a great alternative to bath melts, as they are more economical than buying Lush's single-use melts, and there are a lot more different types available. Tender is the night massage bar is a creamy Jasmine-dominated offering that Lush brought out as part of their 2013 Valentines day collection, but was so popular it was kept on as part of their regular line.

Ultraviolet bubble bar is a Jasmine-and-violet scented bubble bar, which has a layered floral aroma that is pretty earthy and not too sweet. It was brought out as part of Lush's limited-edition 2015 Mothers' day collection. I have recently reviewed Ultraviolet and it is available to read here.

For this bath cocktail, you will need

-1/4 of a Lush 'Tender is the night' massage bar
-1/3 of Ultraviolet bubble bar (you may even need less, depending on how many bubbles you want)

Optional- The rest of the Tender is the night massage bar, to use as a moisturiser afterwards

1. Run your bath, and with your fingertips, crumble your third of ultraviolet under the running tap. Immediately, you will be able to smell the strong, Jasmine aroma. The scent of this bar will permeate your skin and the bathroom, and lasts for ages after use. One third of this large bar will create loads of soft, long lasting bubbles, and the water will turn a beautiful shade of purple with iridescent shimmer- don't be tempted to use too much, as it will stop dissolving and can make the surface of the bath gritty.

2. After your bubble bar is dissolved, put your small piece of Tender is the night massage bar in the water gently and wait for it to dissolve. The oils and shea butter inside the bar will rest on the surface of the water, which makes it even more softening. The slightly vanilla-sweetened jasmine scent of this bar really does compliment the more natural jasmine-violet fusion scent of the Ultraviolet bubble bar- they are a great product combination.

3.After you have been in the bath, your skin should feel softened and moisturised with a beautiful scent. If you have particularly dry skin, or you want to top up on the smell, use the rest of your Tender is the night massage bar on your skin to soothe it. You could also follow up the bath with a perfume such as Lush's Violet Nights, or Tuca Tuca fragrances.

Overall, although this cocktail had a scent that I would not normally expect to really enjoy, the vanilla in the massage bar softened the powdery note in the bubble bar, and rounded it off really nicely with a natural sweetness. I would definitely try this out again, and it has introduced me well to two products I wouldn't ever really thought of buying before, which compliment each other beautifully scent-wise.

Rating; 8/10

Saturday 25 April 2015

Ultraviolet bubble bar

Ultraviolet is a bubble bar released by Lush Cosmetics as part of their limited edition Mothers' day collection. It is not normally one I would pick up for myself, but after it being recommended to me, I decided to give it a try and see what I thought of it, as it isn't going to be around for much longer unless Lush decide to make it part of their permanent range.

This bubble bar has an appealing design. Created to look like a rainbow with a non-traditional array of colours, including blue, purple, green and grey- it does tie in with the name and scent theme. It is also large in size- and can be used across 3-8 baths, depending on how generous you like to be with your bubbles. So although it is one of Lush's pricier bath offerings at £4.75, it does demonstrate good value for money.

For those who aren't into strong scents- Ultraviolet may be one to avoid. It has quite a potent, floral aroma that dominates the entire room it is being stored in. The top note is a fusion of violet and jasmine, but there is a whole host of other fresh, floral layers, that work together to create a heady, but natural scent. Fans of candied floral scents such as Rose Jam may be disappointed that Ultraviolet does not have the same sugary-sweetness- it is definitely a more mature scent.

To use a bubble bar, you break off a piece depending on how many bubbles you want and how big your bath is, and crumble it with your fingertips under a running tap. An alternative is to put it in a sieve and hold it under the tap- this is useful if the bubble bar you are using contains 'extras' you might not want in your bath, such as petals or paper.

Once dissolved, ultraviolet turns your water a beautiful light purple shade, with a little amount of silver lustre that swirls around the purple water and helps it look that bit more special. The water is softened and feels very silky, and the scent stays on your skin and in the bathroom for a couple of hours after use.  The is an abundance of soft bubbles, and you really do not need a lot of the bar to get tons of them. The bubbles also last throughout the bath and don't dissolve really quickly, which can happen with cheaper bubblebaths.

Ultraviolet has no other added extras, the glitter washes away with ease after use and the water doesnt stain the tub purple, so it is an ideal bar to use if you aren't keen on bubble bars that create a mess.

Afterwards, my skin felt soft and there was really no need for moisturising, but you could follow this up with a lotion afterwards if you have really dry skin.

This bubble bar surprisingly doesn't clash with any perfumes if you decide to apply one after use when the scent is still lingering on your skin. I have a dupe oil of Lush's creamy candy perfume, and Ultraviolet didn't interfere with it at all.

Overall, I did quite like this limited-edition bubble bar, and I am glad I got the chance to try it out before it goes away, but as the floral scent is not really a particular favourite of mine, I can't see me stocking up before it runs out. However, for anyone who is into Violet, Jasmine, or other natural floral scents, I am sure you will really enjoy this as it works well in the bath and is good value for money.


Friday 17 April 2015

LUSH Blooming Beautiful Gift set

I was recently gifted this Lush bath set from my mum as a surprise. Although I have reviewed each of the products separately, I decided to write a bit about the gift set as a whole.

Now, one thing you may want to know about Lush gift sets- generally, it costs less to buy each full-size product separately than it does to buy them in a set, which is a little unusual (most cosmetic shop gift sets offer a special price for buying a few products in a box together). 

This is the reason I have never bought a gift set for myself, however- with Lush gift sets you are paying for the packaging, which is always pretty and 100% recyclable, and saves you the need to rewrap the set if you are giving it is a gift.

Blooming beautiful gift set is priced up at £9.25 and contains

-Rose Jam Bubbleroon
-Sakura Bath Ballistic

Detailed reviews for both can be found below;

The selection of products offered in this set may be small, but can be stretched out for 3-6 baths, depending on how generous you like to be with your products. It is a good gift set to introduce Lush products to someone who hasn't tried them before, or maybe just a treat for Lush fans who enjoy girly scents.

It is the perfect product selection for those who enjoy sweet, floral smells. Rose jam bubbleroon is one of my favourites- a sweet, sugary offering so much different to any other rose scent available. Sakura is a lighter, fresher take on the floral aroma- perfect for the spring/summer weather when you want a pretty scent that isn't overbearing.

These products are packaged carefully in a cardboard box with a mini lush brochure, padded to help keep the products secure so they won't crumble. The cardboard box is then wrapped in bright floral paper and tied decoratively with a hot pink ribbon. The finishing touch is a paper label detailing the products inside. All the packaging is reusable.

Overall, I am pleased with this product and consider it a great gift at a reasonable price.


Thursday 16 April 2015

Sakura Bath Bomb

After being gifted a Lush bath bomb and bubble bar set today (Review on that next week), I decided to use the products inside and treat myself to a Lush bath, as I have had some joint pain lately, and thought a hot bath may alleviate the pain.

One of the products contained within this set was the Sakura bath ballistic. This is a bath bomb from Lush's regular range that I have never tried, although I have often been tempted in Lush, and it has been recommended to me by the store assistants. I was glad to see it in the box, as it's always nice to try a new product out and see how it works for me.

From the outside, the Sakura bath ballistic has a slightly dull plain white exterior, although it has some nice touches, such as what looks like  coloured pink and green salt crystals decorating the top, and laced throughout the rest of the white bath bomb, making it a little more visually appealing for those who are a fan of bright colours.

The smell of this bath bomb is a simple, yet pretty floral aroma. Obviously as it is called Sakura, the Japanese name for cherry blossom, I thought there might be  a distinct note of that here. But to me, I just get a mixed floral smell, which is very fresh and perfect for the spring or summer weather.
This is not usually my first choice of scent. In no way is it offensive or bad- I just tend to favour the more sugary-sweet scents such as that of Creamy Candy or Rose Jam. 

I have to be honest that when using this bath bomb, I was a little sceptical about how the colour of the bath water would turn out, due to the majority of the bath bomb being a milky-white colour. However, I pressed on and threw it into my bath.

This bath bomb is a very fast fizzer, dissolving in under 2 minutes, despite the fact it is around the size of a cricket ball and one of Lush's larger bath bombs. As suspected, the colour of the water does not change slightly, despite the fact a little blue and pink foam comes out from the bath bomb, I teamed this bath bomb with Rose Jam Bubbleroon and Snow Fairy, and the water stayed the same murky pink colour it had been from the other products before I had used the bath bomb.

The grains of coloured salt within and on top of the bath bomb lurked at the bottom of the bath, creating a slightly scratchy surface, but dissolved within a few minutes in the hot water. There are no other hidden 'extras' in this bath bomb such as glitter , flower petals, or confetti- this may be a plus or  a minus, depending on what type of bath product you like using. Personally for me, it was a little disappointing.

The smell, despite not being very strong when the product was unused, was potent enough to be able to recognise over the strong candied rose and bubblegum scents of the other products, and I could smell it on my skin some hours later after using, which was a pleasant surprise.

Overall, I am glad I got the chance to try out this bath bomb, and although I found it fairly enjoyable, there are other ones I prefer over this, so I don't think I will be repurchasing.


Wednesday 15 April 2015

Bomb Cosmetics- Chocolate ballotin collection

I was recently gifted this pretty box of mini bath bombs by a friend, and after using them up, decided to do a review on the set.

Bomb cosmetics is a handmade cosmetics company,who specialise in creating soaps, bath bombs and melts, shower soaps and more. All of their products are available at very reasonable prices, cheaper than similar cosmetic brands such as Lush. They also sell gifts sets, such as the one I am writing about today.

I haven't bought much, due to the fact that there aren't many Bomb Cosmetics stores near me, however these products are available online here on their own website, and are also available from Amazon UK.

The packaging consists of a fairly small white box, tied with a silky brown ribbon with the Bomb cosmetics branding on it. It also has a little folded label on it, detailing the different bath bombs and what they are scented of. It really does remind you of a chocolate box, and ties in nicely with the theme of chocolate-scented bath bombs.

However- this product is a lot smaller than I initially expected. The box is around 15cm by 4cm (estimation), and each of the bath bombs and bath creamers are also small. The largest are around the size and weight of a golf ball. If you are expecting large bath bombs, you may be disappointed, however, I decided to try them out anyway and see how they performed in the bath.

The scents of these bath bombs are all very similar, and you may be hard-pressed to tell one from the other. However, if you have a look at the label included you will be able to differentiate between each of the different products, and pick one to suit you.

The bath bombs and creamers included are;

Vanilla Bath Creamer

Chocolate Orange Bath Creamer- 

Coffee Mocha Bath Meltz

Chocolate Bath Mallow

Double Choc Chip Bath Gem

Chocolate Buttercup

The design of these bath bombs have obviously been well thought out to coincide with the chocolate box theme- each of them really do look like cute little gourmet chocolates you might find in a chocolate, One even has a little paper case on it.

Each bath bomb available had it's own different scent if sniffed separately, but together, they really all merged into one. There was a slightly soapy undertone to these bath bombs and melts, which wasn't ideal, however I hoped as I used them that the chocolatey aroma would come more to the forefront.

I ended up using these melts in 2 lots, as they were a little small and my bath is quite big. Each set of melts gave a pretty similar experience. The water turned silky and moisturising, and the chocolate-based scent lasted on my skin for a few hours afterwards, which was nice. 

Sadly, the colour wasn't the best; a translucent, beige-brown hue, however due to these being chocolate scented, brown bath bombs, this was certainly expected. 

The added extras in the scent such as vanilla, orange and coffee did not really come through though, and all I could smell was the chocolate scent, which had dampened slightly after adding in a big of stronger bubblegum-scented shower gel to create some bubbles.

I've heard of people complaining about the edible chocolate that decorates some of these bath bombs decorating the water, but mine just went down the plughole. The only thing I had to fish out was the paper case on one of the bath creamers, and this was easily done.

Overall, I would recommend this pretty gift set as a stocking filler gift, or maybe for kids who want to try out sweetly scented inexpensive bath bombs for the first time. 

However, for the price, I reckon I would rather splash out on 2 or 3 larger bath bombs from Lush Cosmetics. I am far from ungrateful for this gift, though, and it has encouraged me to try out more from Bomb cosmetics, to try and find something which suits my taste a little more. I would not purchase this set again for myself, but it is a nice gift and I may buy it for other chocolate-lovers.


Monday 13 April 2015

Boots essentials Curl Crème

Last week I went shopping for some new cosmetics, and I noticed this pot of curl creme from Boots' essentials range, for under £2.

Now, I am unsure why I decided to pick this up. My hair naturally, is not what I would describe as curly, and I very rarely do curl my hair with tongs. My usual hairstyle is straightened with my GHD's, with a full fringe.

My hair is naturally very thick, with a wave running through it.  I can also get a lot of flyaway hair around my full fringe, and I wanted to try something which would condition, as well as hold.

I thought this might do the trick, and help smooth the flyaways and split ends, whilst reducing the overall frizz I can get, to help my hair hold it's wave but stay smooth, without looking heavy or greasy with product.

The curl creme itself comes in a plastic tub- pretty basic drugstore packaging, but it's not something I am complaining about. The tub is easy to open and close, with a screw top, and it's translucent, so you are able to see the amount of product you have left. The only negative I can come up with, is that it might not be ideal for taking on trips away, as it is rather clunky, but this can be easily remedied by decanting a small amount into one of those travel-sized bottles.

There are a few ways you can apply this product and a lot of tutorials and techniques online.

The product is a pale translucent pink in colour (Don't worry about the colour of the product, as it applies and dries clear), and it feels like a soft, light gel texture. It isn't solid and is easily scooped out, and isn't watery either, so you won't spill it. It can be applied easily, however I recommend starting with a little, and building up, as it is very easy to overdo these sorts of products, and that is not something you want to be doing.

The scent of this product is pretty unoffensive, it smells soapy and what I would describe as fresh. It is a scent that is certainly unisex, and barely noticeable when applied. It definitely would not clash with any perfume or aftershave.

But unfortunately...this product did not really work for me! I wanted to like it, but everytime, no matter how little i applied, and how well I tried to make it work for my hair, it just felt what can only be described as crispy-like when you apply too much hairspray.

I am not sure if it is normal for curl cremes to feel like this, but I have very dry hair and the tiniest amount to control the flyaways on my fringe even made it feel a little heavy, although it did smooth it down fairly well. I certainly am not tempted to apply it throughout my hair again, as I tried it once and I was very conscious of having a lot of product in, which I really don't like.

As I don't like wasting cosmetics, I will keep this curl creme for 'emergencies' until it's used up, such as using a tiny amount for my fringe now and again, as it does smooth and hold well.

But it will not be an everyday product for me, and I will be seeking out an alternative. I know that there are a lot of fans of this product, for it's performance as well as it's low price, and I accept that maybe it is not designed for wavy hair, and purely for curly/afro hair types,  but I did just not really get on with it and therefore I won't be buying it again.


Saturday 11 April 2015

-Spring 2015 competition-Win M.U.A makeup! (Promotion)

Spring is coming up, and to thank everyone for reaching 350 followers, I have decided to run a competition to win some makeup by M.U.A Cosmetics.

I have chosen 3 items from the range that I feel are great for spring. I've also tried to include some multitasking items that would be ideal for taking on holidays or to festivals.

There will be 3 winners, and the prizes available are:

MUA Mono matte eyeshadow in Purple- This is the perfect bright, spring purple shade. It can be used all over on your eyelids, or as a bright eyeliner. The eyeshadow blends well and comes in slim packaging, which is ideal for taking on holidays or to festivals.

MUA Lipstick in Shade 13- Ultra-pigmented lipstick that can be dressed up or dressed down. Everyone needs a red lipstick to team with a smoky eye for special occasions. You can also top this lipstick with gloss to give an even shinier look.

MUA Blusher in Marshmallow- An ideal shade to use , whether your skin is warm or cool toned, light or dark. Well pigmented and in compact packaging, ready to be taken anywhere. You can also multitask and use this as a pink eyeshadow.

Instructions for entering;

Comment below what product you would like to win, and your email address. At the end of next week, I will put the entries into a random number generator online and inform the winners of each prize. You may enter up to 3 times (incase you want to win all 3 prizes!), but any further entries will be disqualified. If you are under 18, please get permission before entering. Good luck.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

L'oreal Color Riche Lipstick in Doutzen's Nude


While I was browsing the makeup aisle in Superdrug, I decided to buy a new lipstick, as I recently finished my last one, and I was getting a bit sick of glosses. I first thought I might buy a budget-range lipstick, but after having a look at L'oreal's wide colour range, I decided to buy a mid-ranged one that was a little more expensive.

I am drawn to the paler pinks and nude lipsticks, as they are more wearable and suited to lots of different everyday looks. After looking at Loreal's Color Riche lipsticks, I noticed that they had done a collaboration with some famous models, to create a range of shades called 'Exclusive Nudes'.

Doutzen's nude is a shade carefully chosen and inspired by Doutzen Kroes, a Dutch model and actress who worked for American Lingerie company, Victoria's Secret. She is now on contract with L'oreal and also models for H&M. 

Before I bought this lipstick, I hadn't heard of Doutzen Kroes, and I was not influenced to buy this lipstick based on who was promoting it. I bought it because I was a fan of the colour, and the packaging was very nice too.

The colour of this lipstick is a soft, nude pink, with the slightest iridescent sheen. It is a fairly glossy finish, yet it is a shade which I feel could be worn everyday, even on light makeup days. It doesn't have a very high colour payoff, so if you are looking for a more pigmented pink, you may want to look elsewhere. It is the perfect nude-pink shade. Often nude shades can look a little beige-y, and like you have used foundation on your lips, but this has got enough pink pigment to help it look more natural. This lipstick feels creamy and can be applied smoothly without any dragging. 

Unfortanately, my lips are not in great condition generally, and as with all pale lipsticks, if applied on chapped lips, this can really highlight the peeling and cracked areas. However, this can be remedied by using a lip scrub and balm beforehand to prime your lips prior to wearing it.

The packaging of this lipstick is a matte, cuboid shaped tube, with a cold band round the middle imprinted with the L'oreal logo. On the black tube it reads 'Exclusive collection by Doutzen', and Doutzen's name is printed in (I assume) her handwriting, which gives it a luxury feel. 

The gold band has a little clasp on the back, which clicks into place when you shut the lipstick. This means that the lid of this lipstick can only be put on one way, but it helps it feel a little more secure than regular lipstick lids. Finally, a R in a circle is printed on the top in gold. I am not sure what this represents, so anyone who has any insight, feel free to comment on the guestbook. 

I am a fan of the soft touch, matte packaging- for me i makes the lipstick look a little more luxurious and high end. I also love the Doutzen's Nude shade, and it will be my staple everyday go-to lipstick.

The price of this lipstick is £6.99, and although it is a little more than what I would normally pay for lipstick, the L'oreal brand has reguarly got special offers, especially in stores such as Superdrug and Boots.  It is also a high quality lipstick for the price and I wouldn't hesitate buying it again, and trying out a few of the different shades.

I would recommend L'oreal Color Riche lipstick in Doutzen's Nude to those who prefer more muted nude tones, or maybe those who are used to using lip balms, and want to venture into trying lipsticks. It would also make a good lipstick for teens wanting to buy makeup for the first time, as it isn't too bright and is great for everyday use.


Original Source coconut shower gel

After trying Original Source Lime shower gel, and finding it distinctly average, I decided to give some of the other scents in the range a go to see if I could find one that suited me more.

Original Source coconut shower gel was actually recommended to me by my friend Tez, who made lots of positive comments about it.  And after having a look for it in the shops, I found it in Tesco on special offer. I contemplated picking up a couple of bottles, but I have so many different shower gels to review and I am trying to 'cut back' on how many I buy, so I stuck with one.

Before I review anymore, I have to admit that I am not really a fan of coconut scents. I don't hate them, but I would always favour most other fruit scents over coconut. However, I will give this shower gel a fair review based on what it is.

Original Source shower gels have particularly distinctive packaging, which helps differentiate their products from other ones. The bottles have their caps on the bottom, and are designed to be stood this way up, which avoids any product wastage. I am a big fan of this type of bottle, and I wish upper-end companies would take note.

Flicking open the cap, natural coconut scent is pretty faint, and you have to really put your nose up to the bottle to be able to get a smell of it. Alternatively, you could decant a little onto your palm (which I did), and quickly wash your hands with it to get a quick smell of the shower gel before you use it in the shower or bath.

For me, the smell was a little disappointing. It has the obvious creamy coconut element, and a slight-but almost unnoticable-floral undertone, which helps give the scent a little something extra and pads it out a bit. But the scent is unfortunately faint, yet a little sickly- and doesn't elevate at all under the heat of the water. This is ideal if you don't want a strong scent, but I imagine it would be disappointing if you are expecting a tropical coconut hit. 

The texture of this shower gel is medium thickness-which I think is ideal for a shower gel.It's not so watery you will drop half of it down the drain, but it's not so thick it isn't pourable. Original source coconut shower gel is creamy, and lathers up averagely- it doesn't provide the best lather I have tried, but I suspect it would lather up better using a shower puff. It also feels a little oily on the skin while using.

Unfortunately, whether it was due to the lack of lather, or that this shower gel was oily (though I feel this is due to it being marketed as a moisturising shower gel), I didn't feel particularly clean or comfortable after using it. I have dry skin, so I was hoping that the shower gel would moisturise as well as cleanse my skin, but unfortunately it didn't do a great job and I ended up topping up with Lush's So White shower gel to make my skin feel washed properly.

I have heard of people using this shower gel in their hair, however as my hair is heavily dyed and dry and needs shampoo for colour treated and problematic hair, I decided to avoid trying this so can't report on it's results. It  may work well on dry hair, though, as it isn't drying on the skin.

I will definitely try using this shower gel as a bubble bath, and see if I get any positive results, but for now, it's definitely not one of my favourites to be used in the shower and has been pushed to the back of my pile of shower gels.

I would say with the practical, plain packaging and the non-overpowering scent, this shower gel is pretty unisex and could be enjoyed by men and women alike. Although my review seems pretty negative, I didn't hate this product- there is just many I have tried which I have enjoyed a lot more and have yielded more positive results for me, and as coconut isn't a scent I am particularly a fan of, I was feeling pretty pessimistic about this shower gel from the word go. 

However, if you have very dry skin, and enjoy fainter, non-overpowering scents, give this a go- it may work for you, and is cheap at the £1.10 I paid for it. 

I'm interested in trying the original source body butters and shower scrubs,  so I will definitely pick up a couple more products when I go out again and see if I can find something that works better for me. If you have any product suggestions, comment below.


Saturday 4 April 2015

Calcot Manor 'The Lazy Evening' salt scrub

Seeing as it's now spring, I wanted to try something that would help get rid of any dry skin I had got over the winter. So I decided to try a salt scrub, and I was very surprised at some of the prices in stores, for what is essentially salt mixed with oils. Infact, you could probably make a pretty good salt or sugar scrub at home for not much money at all.

After looking in supermarkets for a cheaper alternative, the packaging of the Calcot Manor salt scrub drew me in. This scrub comes in a large, heavy plastic (although at first glance it looks like glass) tub, with a metal clasp closure. This tub is visually appealing, and looks professional, as if it might be something you would see in a spa. However, the metal clip is terrible, it is extremely difficult to open and shut and you have to handle it with a lot of force. I am unsure if I was just unlucky with my tub, but it is definitely something you have to watch out for, especially if (like me), you will be handling this product in the bath or shower.

After opening it, the scent of this salt scrub is quite nice. It is a fresh, fruity scent. Pretty generic, but unoffensive. For something that is called 'the lazy evening', I expected a lavender/chamomile scent, however the more uplifting citrus scent was a welcome surprise.

The texture of this scrub is like a thick paste, with fine granules of salt stirred in to give it a good scrubby texture without being overbearing and painful to use regularly. It feels quite oily to touch, so I am guessing it has been designed with dry, flaky skin in mind.

You can use this scrub in several ways.

Firstly, you can apply the scrub to dry skin, blending into your skin with a exfoliating-gloved or bare hand, then rinse off quickly afterwards. This is the most abrasive way of scrubbing, and can potentially be the most effective if you have really dry, problem skin, however-it can be a little harsh and painful for those with sensitive skin.

Secondly, and this is my favourite way, you can hop in the shower and apply it under the stream of the water. This is less scrubby and painful, and as you rub it in, it will provide an effective exfoliation without hurting your skin. After it is rinsed off, the oils in the scrub remain on your skin which help moisturise your skin and make it feel smooth.

You could also use this as a facial scrub, or  hand or foot scrub as part of a manicure or pedicure, and it would last for ages.

After it is rinsed off,  my skin was left feeling smooth from the oils contained in it and from the exfoliation. As the salt granules weren't too big, I had no redness either. However, I think this scrub may be a little to rich for people with oily skin as it does provide a lot of moisturising due to the large amount of oils contained inside and could make you break out. Obviously I can't confirm this for sure as I have dry/sensitive skin, but I would advise you try a little bit out before you start using it all over.

The price of this salt scrub is very low, and I picked up the large tub for £3.99. I believe the Calcot Manor range is on special offer at the moment, so this low price might not last, however I would be willing to pay around £7 for this as it worked very well for me.

Please note that the Calcot Manor is a range exclusive to Tesco, so you will only be able to pick up their products there. They do a range of scrubs, masks, bubble baths and lotions, in several different scents suitable for different skin types. I will definitely be checking out more of the range when I am next in store, and picking up a few different bits to try out.

For a large scrub at a low price, try this one out. Unfortunately it loses marks for it's packaging, but overall, I would buy again. Do you know any good salt or sugar scrubs? Comment below and let me know.


Friday 3 April 2015

Phoenix Rising bath bomb

For someone that visits Lush Cosmetics so much,  I don't normally buy very many bath bombs. This is because I usually like multiple-use products, and unless you chop a bath bomb in half (which I think somewhat dampens the 'experience' of using it, even though it is more economical), you are getting a one-time-use product. Nonetheless, it is nice to pick up one for a treat to enjoy now and again.

Pheonix rising is a cinnamon scented bath bomb, that is in Lush's regular range. Although rumours have floated around that it's being discontinued, Lush staff and HQ have made no comments regarding this, and it continues being sold in all the Lush shops I go to.

This bath bomb is very visually appealing to me, it is a deep, luxurious purple, topped with gold glitter and flakes of cinnamon stick. It seems a little more heavy and 'solid' than Lush's other bath bombs- if that makes sense. It is less powdery in texture, and feels a little more like a bubble bar.

Using a bath bomb is simple. Run a hot bath, then drop it in the bath and get in.

When this bath bomb is dropped into the bath, you will notice it sinks to the bottom of the tub, rather than floating on the surface like most other bath bombs. This is not due to the freshness of the bath bomb, as I have bought several of these fresh, and the same thing happens every time.

As the purple fizzes away, it turns the water a magenta colour with slight gold lustre. There is also a small amount of white foam. 

The cinnamon stick flakes don't really do anything much to the water, and can be easily fished out and thrown away if need be.

As the purple bath bomb fizzes at the bottom of the water, it becomes lighter, and floats to the surface. Inside the purple 'shell', is a emerald green core, which fizzes and spews soft, dark green foam all over the surface of the water. 

Once the Phoenix rising bath bomb has finished dissolving, your bath will be a stunning visual display of gold-laced magenta water, with green and white foams. The water is fairly moisturising, although not the softest I have ever had from a Lush bath bomb.

The scent of this bath bomb is a sexy, strong blend of cinnamon, with a slight faint undertone of apple. It is definitely a scent that would be appreciated by both the male and female audience, and is long lasting enough to stay with you for more than a few hours.

Overall, for £3.35, you are getting a pretty visual bath display, nourishing water, and a unique but lovely scent offering that lasts. Phoenix rising is one of my favourite regular bath bombs, and one which I will return to using time and time again.

Score: 8/10