Sunday 26 April 2015

Bath Cocktail- Tender Violets

This bath cocktail showcases Jasmine as it's prominent scent. It is a strong, musky floral offering, which moisturises your skin, whilst providing you with tons of bubbles and beautifully coloured water.

With a recent Lush order, I received a large sample piece of 'Tender is the night' massage bar. I have so many massage bars that need used up, that I decided to use it as a bath melt. Massage bars are a great alternative to bath melts, as they are more economical than buying Lush's single-use melts, and there are a lot more different types available. Tender is the night massage bar is a creamy Jasmine-dominated offering that Lush brought out as part of their 2013 Valentines day collection, but was so popular it was kept on as part of their regular line.

Ultraviolet bubble bar is a Jasmine-and-violet scented bubble bar, which has a layered floral aroma that is pretty earthy and not too sweet. It was brought out as part of Lush's limited-edition 2015 Mothers' day collection. I have recently reviewed Ultraviolet and it is available to read here.

For this bath cocktail, you will need

-1/4 of a Lush 'Tender is the night' massage bar
-1/3 of Ultraviolet bubble bar (you may even need less, depending on how many bubbles you want)

Optional- The rest of the Tender is the night massage bar, to use as a moisturiser afterwards

1. Run your bath, and with your fingertips, crumble your third of ultraviolet under the running tap. Immediately, you will be able to smell the strong, Jasmine aroma. The scent of this bar will permeate your skin and the bathroom, and lasts for ages after use. One third of this large bar will create loads of soft, long lasting bubbles, and the water will turn a beautiful shade of purple with iridescent shimmer- don't be tempted to use too much, as it will stop dissolving and can make the surface of the bath gritty.

2. After your bubble bar is dissolved, put your small piece of Tender is the night massage bar in the water gently and wait for it to dissolve. The oils and shea butter inside the bar will rest on the surface of the water, which makes it even more softening. The slightly vanilla-sweetened jasmine scent of this bar really does compliment the more natural jasmine-violet fusion scent of the Ultraviolet bubble bar- they are a great product combination.

3.After you have been in the bath, your skin should feel softened and moisturised with a beautiful scent. If you have particularly dry skin, or you want to top up on the smell, use the rest of your Tender is the night massage bar on your skin to soothe it. You could also follow up the bath with a perfume such as Lush's Violet Nights, or Tuca Tuca fragrances.

Overall, although this cocktail had a scent that I would not normally expect to really enjoy, the vanilla in the massage bar softened the powdery note in the bubble bar, and rounded it off really nicely with a natural sweetness. I would definitely try this out again, and it has introduced me well to two products I wouldn't ever really thought of buying before, which compliment each other beautifully scent-wise.

Rating; 8/10

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