Friday 29 May 2015

Rimmel 60-second super-shine nail polish in Lovey Dovey

Now that it's spring, I'm starting to try to update my outfits and add a few finishing touches that are light, colourful and work well for the new season. Obviously I don't have the money and time to go out and buy a complete new wardrobe stock, but I am looking for more basic ways of bringing spring/summer colour and style that don't cost the earth. Make-up is a great way to achieve this, especially nail varnish.

Rimmel is a range that has been around a long time, and is one of the most well-known affordable British brands of cosmetics. They sell a wide range of makeup, from face powders and foundations, to eyeshadows, lipsticks and glosses- and a huge range of nail varnishes in a bunch of different styles and finishes, whether you are a more traditional french-manicure type of person, or you enjoy standout nails with special effects.

After browsing and looking for something a little similar to Barry-M's prickly pear gelly hi-shine, I found this pretty pale purple shade called Lovey-Dovey. This and various other shades were on special offer in a supermarket when I was out last weekend, reduced to £1.75. I think this is to make way for the new Rita-ora pastel colours that have been released recently- which are a little similar to some of the ones on special offer.

Lovey-Dovey is part of Rimmel's 60 second super-shine range, which suits me pretty well, as I am impatient when it comes to nail polish drying and so I generally go for the fast-drying variety. I was also interested in trying out the new Rimmel nail polish brush, as I have heard so many reviews about it, good and bad.

The nail polish comes in a regular 8ml sized bottle, with a black top. Like most nail polishes, the bottom of the bottle is transparent, allowing you to see the colour. It is a pretty lilac shade, which I would describe as just being on the verge of being purple. What I mean by this is that it is a pigmented lilac, rather than a twee pale pastel shade.

This nail polish applies very easily. I have to say, I think the new Rimmel nail polish brush is fantastic. It's by far the best applicator I have ever used for applying varnish and makes it so easy to get a fuss-free, non streaky finish. You can literally apply one coat with one brush stroke, which makes it as speedy to apply as it is to dry. The formula of this nail polish is creamy and non-watery which also helps to make the application fuss free. One coat was all I needed for a great finish, but of course you could apply two coats if you wanted a even more highly-pigmented result.

The '60 second' claim is totally accurate, which I was pleased about, as I can be pretty impatient when waiting for nail polish to dry. 60-second super shine dried fast and left a beautifully glossy finish. The colour payoff is just the same as you see in the bottle and was very eyecatching, and as I said before- a perfect spring/summer shade. Although due to the colour being a favourite for me, I will definitely be sporting this in the winter months too.

There was just one letdown in this product. For me, fast-drying polishes don't really have amazing staying power unless a regular long-lasting topcoat is applied afterwards (which kind of defeats the point of the whole 60-second application). This nail polish was no exception and I did notice it beginning to chip quite badly after only a few hours. By the next day the chipping had got even worse, so I topped it up slightly (really only a stop-gap. Ideally you would remove all the nail polish and start over to avoid it looking clumpy and caked-on).

Due to the chipping, I would probably only decide to apply again if I had the time to reapply it. If I was busy or it was a special occasion, I would either opt for something different that was longer-lasting, or use a topcoat over it to help it last for more than just a few hours. Alternatively, you could pick a long-lasting nail polish instead that doesn't require a topcoat.

Although the chipping was a fault, it is a notorious problem with quick-dry polishes and can be rectified by taking extra time to put on topcoat. Apart from this, I really liked this polish and feel it is great value for money, even more so if found on special offer. The colour is one of my favourites and the new brush applicator is fantastic- other makeup companies that supply nail polish should definitely take note of it. Good price, great colour and easily applied- one of my favourites.


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