Wednesday 29 July 2015

Book Review: Me Before You-JoJo Moyes

In my spare time, I do read quite a lot, ranging from teenage fiction to more adult titles, so I thought it might be a good idea to write reviews on some of my favourite, and least favourite titles. If you have any book suggestions to read, comment either below the post or in the guestbook, and I will do my best to write about them.

Will Traynor is a highly successful businessman who travels, makes lots of money and has a pretty girlfriend. He is used to having money, girls and being in charge, but when he is on his way to work one day, he gets hit by a motorcycle- his life is about to change forever.

Lou Clark is a young woman in her twenties who lives at home with her Mum, Dad, sister and nephew. She is happy working shifts in the local cafe, and hasn't really ventured out of the small town she lives in. She has a pretty quiet life, and, apart from problems with her long-term boyfriend Patrick, she is fairly happy in the routine she is in.

But when the Cafe shuts down and Lou is out of a job, she ends up down at the job centre, and after considering the few options she has, she gets an interview to be a carer for a paralysed man for a 6-month period. Although this isn't what she was expecting, she gets the job.

When Louise meets Will, they don't get on well at first, due to Will's consistently negative and rude attitude, however when they realise they have a similar sense of humour, it breaks the ice between them and they begin to warm to each other. However, as they get closer to each other, Lou soon finds out about Will's past, and the shocking reason why she will only be working for him for 6 months.

Will she be able to change Will's mind, or will she support Will's choices?

-What I thought- (Spoilers)

I first picked up this book, as it was highly recommended by Tanya Burr, another Blogger and Youtuber. Honestly, I hadn't read anything about what this book was about, and assumed it was another generic romance novel. But once I had started it, I realised that although it has a fair amount of romance in, it deals with the much darker subject of assisted suicide, that is not often talked about.

There is also a lot of humour in this book, and the sarcastic jokes between Lou and Will are funny. The characters play off each other very well, and despite coming from very different backgrounds, have a lot in common with each other.

Although a few of the characters personality traits sometimes annoyed me in this book (Patrick- Lou's boyfriend, and occasionally Will's Mother), generally I think all of them came to life and their personalities were well written. My favourite character was probably Will's other Carer, Nathan, and I enjoyed the chapter of the book that was written from his point of view, as it gave you a chance to find out how he viewed Will and Lou's friendship from someone else's perspective. Will's Mother also has her own chapter from her point of view, but this I found less interesting,

The ending of the book where Lou has to decide whether to support will's decisions or not is pretty emotional, and despite how she tries to change his mind, he still wants to travel to Switzerland and go through with what he has planned. Although it is one of the saddest things she has gone through in her life, I think her choice in the end to support Will and accompany him to the Dignitas clinic was the right one.

I think lots of people hoped for a happy, romantic ending - but the Epilogue I found enjoyable and moving, as it shows how Lou is trying to move on by doing lots of the things Will had wanted her to do, to experience more from life.


I will definitely be buying the follow up novel to this when it's released, as this is one of the top books I have ever read and I wouldn't hesitate recommending it to others. Don't judge it by the slightly girly front cover- this is an emotional book that deals with a dark, controversial subject
that can be read and enjoyed by anybody. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Me Before You by JoJo Moyes to people who enjoy weepies- and I'm not surprised it's been given 5/5 stars online.

9/10 Highly recommended.

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