Sunday 22 February 2015

Catastrophe Cosmetic face mask

Note: Please be aware that what is suitable for my skin, may not work for you, and vice versa. All reviews of masks, cleansers and facial products are based on my experiences only.

When you go into Lush, one of the first things you might see is a large tray of ice, with bowls of fresh face mask, surrounded by little black tubs of different masks you can buy. This is Lush's fresh face mask selection. These face masks are blended with fresh ingredients, so must be kept in a fridge, and used up within 3 weeks.

This was never really my first choice of Face Mask, I always thought Lush's Oatifix mask would suit my skin more, but after trying this on a whim, I was very impressed, and now it is my first choice.

Catastrophe cosmetic is a thick, clay-based mask, which is grey/lilac in colour and laced with pieces of fresh blueberry. It has a gentle smell of blueberry, with a slight soft floral undertone. It is designed for people with sensitive skin and redness. Catastrophe Cosmetic contains calamine, rose, chamomile and almond which they claim will soothe and nourish skin, while cleansing gently.

My skin is dry, and also very sensitive, so I thought I would pick this up and see how it worked. I actually got a sample a year ago, but it had gone bad by the time I got round to using it, so I wanted to see how a fresh one would work for me.

It smooths onto your skin very easily, it's quite a wet paste consistency which spreads easily and sticks to your skin without any of the blueberry bits falling off. Once you leave it on for 5-10 minutes, you can feel it harden, and you pretty much know when it's time to wash it off as it starts flaking.

It washes off fairly easily, or if you are lazy, you could wipe it off with babywipes, although it can make a mess. I was worried the fresh blueberry pieces may have gotten stuck in the plughole, but they seemed to go down fine without blocking the sink.

Once washed off, my skin did feel amazing, It felt smoother and silky, with some of the redness and soreness calmed. The dry patches on my cheeks were softer and my face felt totally hydrated, without being greasy.

However, I was so keen on Catastrophe Cosmetic I decided to keep using it all week- probably not a good idea. I felt that because I used it so often, my pores were producing more oils and I began to break out a little around my t-zone. This is a fault of my own, as I know face masks are supposed to be used as a weekly nourishment for your skin, and not a daily cleanser.

I would recommend Catastrophe Cosmetic as a weekly treat, especially if you have dry/sensitive skin. I am unsure if it would work on oily skin, but Lush usually hand out free samples if you are not sure, so I would ask for one before parting with the £6.50 price tag.


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